Who We Are

Welcome to Argonaut.  Argonaut was established by Adam Humphrys, an experienced security professional, having completed a career in the UK Diplomatic Service, specialising in international security policy and security risk management. 







Our Mission and Values

Our goal is simple, to help our clients manage their security risks, especially those that can do catastrophic harm to businesses and organisations. Going further, the very worst threats can undermine the fabric of our society. Our mission is to help our industry and society become more resilient to these threats, understand how to detect them and then deter, disrupt and deny them. 


Our values are simple: do good, be good. Our clients' interests come first, our discretion is absolute and trust comes by default

Why call it Argonaut?

Jason and the Argonauts were a legendary group of heroes from Greek mythology. Led by Jason, they embarked on the perilous Quest for the Golden Fleece. Their goal was to retrieve the Golden Fleece, a symbol of power and kingship, from the distant land of Colchis.


The Argonauts consisted of renowned heroes such as Hercules, Theseus and Orpheus, each possessing their own unique abilities and strengths. They also possessed a spirit of unwavering determination and a burning desire to succeed. They were driven by a sense of adventure and were willing to face any danger or obstacle in their path. Their unwavering loyalty and their shared goal united them as a formidable force.


Courage was a defining characteristic of the Argonauts. They fearlessly faced mythical creatures, treacherous seas, and hostile lands, displaying bravery even in the face of overwhelming odds. Their ability to remain composed and focused in the most challenging situations was a testament to their exceptional heroism.


Argonaut Advisory, at perhaps a slightly less epic scale, seeks to emulate those values of courage and adventure, combined with an unwavering loyalty we will help our clients embark on their own voyage. 

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